Earmold Lab Equipment
Earflex® Clear / Rose
Earmould silicone
for the fabrication of soft BTE earmoulds & protectors. Easy processing, tear resistant, permanently elastic.
Highest wearing comfort due to soft-flexible fitting, long-term stable, skin-friendly. A-silicone, light bodied, prolonged working time (3:30 min.) for massproduction in the lab. Final hardness: approx. 25 / 40 / 60 Shore A, colours: clear-transparent, rose-transparent
Detax Softwear® 2.0
Permanently elastic earmould silicone
for indirect fabrication of soft BTE moulds & protectors, particularly for 3D cast technique.
Long-term wearing comfort due to soft flexible fitting, skin-friendly & biocompatible. Working time approx. 2:30 min., final hardness: approx. 40 and 60 Shore A, Medical device Class IIa, colours: clear, rose, blue, green, red, night glow, yellow fluorescent, pink fluorescent
Earflex ® Rainbow
Earmould silicone
for the fabrication of soft BTE earmoulds & protectors.
Easy processing, tear resistant, permanently elastic. Highest wearing comfort due to soft-flexible fitting, long-term stable, skin-friendly & biocompatible. A-silicone, light bodied, prolonged working time (3:30 min.) for massproduction in the lab. Final hardness: approx. 25 and 40 Shore A, Medical device Class IIa, colours: beige, blue, yellow, green, orange, red, black, white
Duglasil® Express
Crystal-clear transparent casting silicone for the fabrication of highly transparent negative forms, especially suitable for UV-curing, transparent for UVA-light.
duglasil® final hardness: approx. 15 Shore A; duglasil® express available in Automix cartridges: final hardness: approx. 7 Shore A, fast setting, approx. 5 minutes
Floatable special silicone
in double cartridges, for the fabrication of swim plugs in the lab. Also suitable for direct fitting.
Soft initial consistency, easy processing. Aqua protectors made of aquaplus® are highly elastic, extremely tensile resistant and long-term durable; skin-friendly & biocompatible. A-silicone, medium bodied, final hardness: approx. 35 Shore A Colours: blue, red
Earmould silicone
for the fabrication of soft-flexible BTE earmoulds and protectors, multipurpose use. Highest wearing comfort.
Extremely tear resistant, long-term durable and excellent processing. Skin-friendly & biocompatible. A-silicone, medium bodied. Final hardness: approx. 25, 40 and 60 Shore A, Medical device Class IIa, colour: rose-transparent
Aquaplus® Colormix
Floatable special silicone in double cartridges, for the fabrication of multicoloured swim plugs in the lab, or directly.
A-silicone, medium bodied, final hardness: approx. 35 Shore A, colours: blue, yellow, green, orange, red
Acrylon® Automix
Urethane methacrylic earmould
resin for the indirect production of hard acrylic earmoulds in the lab. Self curing (no light or heat required).
Light bodied, fast set, MMA-free (no harmful vapours, odourless). Automix2-System, 10:1, colours: transparent, rose-transparent
Impression Lacquer
One-component impression lacquer
for universal finish of all silicone ear impressions (A + C-silicones). Smoothing, coating and sealing.
Ideal flow properties, efficient use in the lab. Cold curing, high gloss, transparent. Smoothing, coating and sealing.
One component lacquer
for smoothing and sealing of silicone based earmoulds and ear impressions.
Heat curing (in circulating air oven at 100 °C / 212 °F within approx. 15 min.). Excellent adhesion with a constantly high surface quality. Suitable for all kinds of silicones, also for one-component heat curing silicones.
Luxaprint® Shellac Color
Transparent earmoulds can simultaneously be sealed & permanently coloured. Easy processing (dipping/brushing). Creates a homogeneous, scratch-proof, easy to clean surface, reduces cerumen adhesion. Colours: black, blue, brown, green, red, orange, violet, yellow
Duplicating silicone
for the fabrication of negative forms, lasting dimensional stability.
Exact detail reproduction, tear resistant, also manually mixable, compatible with polymethyl methacrylate. A-silicone, light bodied, colour: base rose-opaque, catalyst white 1:1, final hardness: approx. 17 Shore A